This is just an adorable story! I just love enemies to lovers and These two main Characters fit that bill to a T. He is all gruff and rude at the first meeting because he thinks all women want him. So conceited! She is just trying to be nice and is astonished at his actions. Of course these two eventually come together but it’s after some tough crossroads. Lucky for them there is an adorable little boy that helps them along. Of course I loved the two main characters (well sometimes Brance was iffy) but the secondary characters really added so much to this book they are high favorites. Of course I have to mention Ollie (even his name is adorable). Did I say he was adorable? Oh yeah I did! But he really really is! Overall I really enjoyed this story. It has ups and downs. Watching these characters grow is amazing ( I almost didn’t recognize Brance at the end). I did listen to this on audio. Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa do a great job. I’m just gonna say Jeffrey Kafers voice is sexy, growly and enjoyable to listen to.