I adored this story.

Henry was perfect. Filterless wit and self-deprecating sarcasm that I identified with a little too much! And Reed was the sweetest, kindest man.

They were both completely relatable, and I loved how they interacted. While Henry had a lot of self-esteem issues, thanks to a crappy ex and some body image issues, Reed only wanted to build him up and make him feel good about himself. But I appreciated that he would still call Henry out when he needed to. And important lessons are learned about outward appearances not being a great way to judge a person and their feelings.

Both these guys just blossomed together, it was a joy to witness.

Though I’m not a big fan of single perspective narratives as I often feel like I’m missing part of the story and a couple, Henry shines bright enough to carry things, and I still felt like I understood Reed in the end. And narrator Joel Leslie did a really great job at conveying the couple. Joel is such a talent, skillful not just at storytelling, but also incredible at voices and accents.