Jodi Burnett’s Tin Star K9 series continuously builds on each preceding book by following at least one and at times several threads that may or may not directly relate to the major cases of each book. Bloodline is no different, while both Caitlyn and Colt are involved in separate investigations/cases there comes a point where they overlap. Additionally, at least one new character is introduced to this story arc who may become an integral part of the future stories. As with each of the preceding stories Bloodline is action packed and takes its reader on an emotional rollercoaster ride, in fact Bloodline contains one scene that brought tears to my eyes- to find out which scene you will need to read/listen to this highly entertaining story. Regarding listening to Bloodline, Joyce Oben does an excellent job of bringing not only the characters to life but creating the appropriate atmosphere for each scene of the story. My voluntary review is based on listening to an Audible review copy of Bloodline I received from the author.