I am pretty sure that Matt Dinniman wrote an amazing book… It’s funny, it has lots of memorable characters, crazy plot twists, an intricate universe, and memorable takes on contemporary issues.  But honestly, it is hard to know for sure how good the writing is because the narration is so incredible. I do not know anything about Jeff Hayes, except for listening to this book series, but based on what I have heard, I have made up a story in my mind that he decided to reinvent Iration narration to take nothing for granted, and to see how far he can push the craft. I sense someone who has a sense of humor about what they’re doing and probably an incredible grinding work ethic. I love the use of technology and production matched with amazing voices where you can instantly tell which character is which, and you get to know and love, or hate them, and certainly recognize them by voice after just a word or two.  it makes the world come alive when every single character is so unique. I am in awe of the craft that has gone into this production and I deeply appreciate the work. It’s an amazing feeling to have a rough day at work and then later that night to be laughing so hard that you fall off your seat on the subway, Or to listen for the second time, this time with my college age, daughter, driving to school and have the pleasure of looking over at her, and she doubles over, laughing, or expresses concern about whether a character will survive. I can’t help feeling that the author and the narrator both want to deliver something to the listener that will delight astonish and serve them. I have listened to a lot of audible books, but this is the only series that I have listened to multiple times as I impatiently wait for February when the audible version of book seven comes out. Good job you amazing artists!
Review from Dungeon Crawler Carl →