A must listen to palate cleanser! Really, I’m not kidding this book was exactly what I’ve needed after getting burned out on other cultivationy books. The multiple narrator cast absolutely crushes the script and is able to really hit the level where they elevate the story way beyond it’s words, the way the two protoganonists interact is why this book is an instantly memorable experience. Each one is able to play off each other in a way that would be impossible if it was just a single narrator, Solus’s narrator is able to get as abjectly grim and serious as they can, because its balanced out by the raw charisma of Griffith, additionally having a dedicate female narrator is able to provide excellent grounding between the two other extreme performances. Really you should listen to this book just on the fact of how abjectly fun it is. Story is fun, but go listen to this right now if you need a palate cleanser.