This book caught my attention because I normally don’t read fiction, and this one was written as if it were a real world scenario.

I enjoyed the depth of information on global economy and the ties to government conspiracy, but sometimes the writer was just a bit too “Mayberry” in their viewpoints to make it totally believable. The story needed a bit more negative things happening in the middle without always having a perfect bailout occurring (like the dog- that was a great example of doing this the right way. It had me aching and feeling the moral dilemma) and it would have seemed more believable to real life.

I did however like that it had a happy ending… I don’t like books -or anything else- that give you intense problems without finding solutions in the end.

This book starts each chapter with a quote, and many of them are scriptural quotes. If you’re not religious this may not be for you. I am, so the quotes were welcomed; however, the many references to these almost “superhero pastors” didn’t fit real life for the general populace in my opinion, and it felt way to fictitious for me. I’d much rather the story dug deeper into two the main characters’ search for answers than for others to be handing them everything on a silver platter.

All in all, it was an EXCELLENT plot and story, but could have been tweaked to not feel so “middle-school-ish” However, I DID like that there wasn’t swearing or sex. I’m SOOOO sick of authors that think I need to be fed a diet of the lowest base needs of humanity to enjoy reading. I enjoy an author that assumes their reader has some form of intellect!

All in all, I gave it 4 stars because it’s a worthwhile and good read, and I actually learned a lot. It could use some tweaking, but even as it is, I’m really glad to have read it and look forward to more works by Mark Goodwin!