Give it a chance!

I was wary of this book, the covers leave a lot to be desired and honestly look like bad photoshop, the little text balloons made me think a high schooler had written these so I stayed a way. I was correct in thinking it was immature, but boy how it is just the right kind of immature!

I loved this book. The plot is very predictable, as are all the character motivations and so forth, but the characters are fun and likable. The banter is downright hilarious at times, at other times it can be a bit much but overall very well done.

My only complaints are the predictable plot (which is easily overlooked in my opinion due to how damned fun the writing is) and at times the narrator seems to have trouble differentiating genders. Sometimes his women growl like men, which there’s nothing wrong with, but in this case it makes the characters all sound the same at times.

A very small complaint in an otherwise wonderful performance!

Do give this a shot if you want some fun silly banter and lovable characters.