Perhaps it was the cover page that misled me, or maybe that it is a fantasy/paranormal story .. I purchased tha audio because I was in a slump and I enjoy the narrator . HOLY COW I am so glad that I did !

This story is charming and funny and sweet and sexy and thoughtful and just wonderful! The writer really pulled off a perfect romantic paranormal mystery (which is no small feat!). The mystery is engaging without being overwrought AND without being obvious . Tristan is a lonely human but he doesn’t wallow in it . Danny is forthright, patient and open. He exhibits masculine qualities that are not toxic or overbearing. He’s very sweet . Dusty is a perfect side character (is she tho??!)

The author doesn’t rely on miscommunication to drive the plot – they speak openly to one another and that is refreshing.

I actually cried three times during the book but 1. Didn’t see it coming and 2. Didn’t feel like crawling into bed for a week afterwards. This is absolutely the credit of the writer but more so to the narrator .. who guides the words …. building emotion and then gently bringing the reader back down. He’s truly amazing.

But don’t get me wrong- I wouldn’t even think to describe this book as sad or gut wrenching . The author just presents the correct emotion for the events that occur and doesn’t drag you around in it. The book is funny without being ridiculous ,

There is schmexy time (which is very spicy but also very funny and cute) but again .. its not the only thing that happens and is not the main plot point.

Listen to this – the author did an amazing job and it will make your day better