It is almost impossible to review this book without giving away too much which I do not wish to do. I found the story line as regards the mystery completely engaging right up to the end. However, in my opinion, there are no protagonists here, not that there is anything wrong with that. This is not a love story, rather a tragedy with “romantic” elements (of sorts). The “main” characters are well wrought, as are the secondary ones and clearly differentiated by the excellent narration. Surprises abound! There is humor scattered throughout which helps. I will say this is unlike any other mystery I have ever read so I give kudos to the author for originality. This is definitely not your typical HEA M/M romance, which was a refreshing change. This was the first book by this author that I have read, so I shall have to see how it compares to his others. All in all five stars for originality, well-paced plot, well developed characters, surprises and the ending. Not everything ends happily, does it?