The story is extremely well written, twists, turns… I don’t know of why others complained about the real world parts, it was natural and felt good. The story as a whole was cohesive and flowed. However…

One of the biggest flaws from the beginning is this attachment to a poor antagonist that unlocks new enemy types and much more interesting foes. The antagonists do things in mere minute what the protagonist takes days to do. The antagonist skipped a pivotal requirement of the protagonists requirements for the same type quest. He skips hops and jumps around in these books managing to build a following, build a revolt, conquer, kill dissenters, make an overpowered Corp of minions, transform, make trade deals, travel around meeting different kingdoms and trade conglomerates, and try to kill a god in the space of what can only be considered a week of real time. his parity and surpassal of the protagonist despite repeated failures, shortcomings, screw up, starting far from behind, and skipping requirements and character building is really what annoys me about the novel. By no means do I think it is bad, but the author says he writes romance poor? No, he writes a man antagonist poorly. While there are other gripes, this is the biggest one. Do not marry yourself to a single antagonist that you have to ex machina to bring him up to snuff.

TLDR: Antagonist lives in somehow 2x speed despite having to go to school and do public events regularly, passing the protag in force and political influence…somehow.