KSR has done humanity a great service by writing this book. It’s a cracking read with an amazing cast of voice actors, but the real reason to read this is to see the most fully realized vision of our inevitable future of climate collapse ever written. KSR has been writing this stuff for his whole career, and this is the perfect capstone (he promises he’s done with this subject forever and when you read it you will understand, with its density and depth, why this is so). The book wrestles not just with (or even primarily with) climate science, but perhaps more importantly the political and economic power dynamics that have us locked-in on a climate apocalypse trajectory. And yet with all the trauma and misery attendant with such real world problems, it manages to be quite hopeful, and certainly more hope, especially the kind you can believe in, is in desperately short supply these days. But most of all, it is a wonder-filled book that flys along despite its serious subjects (short chapters and stylistic switches make the pace breezy); I finished the book in two sittings. So please please check this out. You will Love it. And then you can force it into the hands of your family and friends, because you will, because it is that good.