I enjoyed book 1 so I purchased book 2. I am glad I did because it was just as good as book 1. Jim is on his way home to his family, walking with his two co-workers. His family is back at their home fighting off a trashy sociopath who was just released from prison. This maniac is determined to kill the family and take their home and supplies.

Another of Jim’s co-workers, Alice, who along with co-worker Rebecca, decided to separate from Jim’s trio and go to a FEMA camp instead. They were told that FEMA would get them home in a bus Jim did not trust FEMA to get him home and that is why he decided to walk 300 miles instead. in this book we find out who made the best, or right, decision.

Even though I completely enjoyed books 1 and 2 of this series, I have decided to stop now. From my experience a series such as this tends to get tiresome after too many books. Ashes of the Unspeakable provided a satisfying conclusion or stopping place for me for now. It is possible that I may change my mind in the future and purchase book 3.

Kevin Pierce, one of my favorite narrators, is excellent. I love his voice and his inflections.