This is a remarkably average book.

Nothing about this is relatable to anyone other then a very fine short story.

The MC is neurotic and had a lot of mental issues regarding OCD and difficulty forming relationships. Although this seems like a good way to explain falling for a robo guy, it comes off as way too easy of an explanation and a easy button to keep from having to spend the time to flesh out a character.
And the quirks come off as sorta uncomfortable too, like using mental illness to explain away something so simple. Would have been nice to have had a more complicated MC that is relatable to more people and not going the easy route to explain away the insta-love situation.

Also i found it bothersome that i absolutely have no idea what the MC looks like. The author certainly doesn’t focus on it at all. The roboguy is definitely the main attraction but again i found that spending so little time developing even an appearance to the MC was just terribly frustrating.

The sexual moments are not worth the slog of listening through this awkward story. If you’re thinking about buying this book for a little fix of Erotic, skip this, the build up to those moments are cringey and just overall feels inappropriate. I cant shake the feeling that the MC has some mental disabilities due to the writing and because of that it just feels way to awkward trying to see his point of view.
If that wasn’t the intent then the writing is just so dumb that the characters are easily mistaken as being mentally disabled.