This story follows a traditional LitRPG troupe, but doesn’t say within the virtual realm (though not enough for my taste for these types of voluntary litrpg inclusion-type stories). It follows a former higher-up in a company who helped create a vrmmo game but loses his wife and then his meaning for living. He spends months and months after her death by hiding and “dying” in the game in order to escape from the real world. Something that many people can relate to. The story touches on some aspects of depression and how it affects the families as a whole. It handles this subject well.

The story from there goes as expected. But what sets this audio book apart is the audio producers and the audio artists who give their all to this story. There are sound effects galore that DO NOT get in the way of the story. In my opinion it adds a much desired dimension to the narration.

I can not but recommend this book if you are in to litRPG. There is no harem. There are some strong sexual innuendos and situations however.