i interesting enough to listen to book two of the series, but the author seems to try too hard to use lots of words.
descriptors are over used.
“the chickens gave a throaty click as they walked by”
“buster sat on his haunches and gazed at the trees, watching a squirrel flit across the branches”
“grabbing a match, striking it, he lit his cigarette and took a long heavy drag, allowing the smoke to flow past his lips as he exhaled”
far too much for my taste.
as far as the end of society goes, i would expect a little more “energy” in the characters.
maybe it’s the narrators voice, there seem to be no real fear or energy in the characters.
they all speak overly proper.
people from Texas certainly don’t talk that way.
probably the most annoying part of the book
they fall flat.
if your expecting insight and Tips on how to handle an EMP, the going home series by angry American is so much better.
the Story tends to drag at a few points

slight update…
having begun book two, sadly i will not continue the series.
the way new characters meet, one falls in love with the other in sight, the over used wordiness.
it’s barely listenable.
most of the way through book two and where is the postapocalyptic theme?
not good. sorry.