Any additional comments?
I’ve never been so annoyed by something I enjoy so much.

Honestly I was really enjoying this book for the most part. I liked the characters and the power progression and everything until *VAGUE SPOILERS AHEAD* Jason had his little freak out. For one it was really stupid that he got so mad over the priestess threatening Allulah when she’d been fighting people this whole time all of them intending to kill her. Also the priestess didnt even touch her. More than threatening she was just egging her on. But lots of emphasis was put on that “threat” not oh Idk the fact that the one shes guarding may have just killed his friends. It annoyed me especially that in that scene pretty much everyone but Maurine sorta glazed over it somehow certain they were just missing despite Yong yu stating over and over that she was gonna kill them. For these to happen at the same time was so weirdly missing the point. Like that’s what was supposed to trigger it but then the author decided to tone it way the fuck down for some reason. It would’ve been an excellent moment for the crew of occasionally disagreeable adventurers to feel some amount of remorse over their lost comrades but they didn’t seem to have much doubt. Then Bezzi Ibi’s like “If he is dead though I’ll just see him in the afterlife lmao shrug”. It was so infuriating. On top of that annoyance, let me just say the whole edgy super powered dark rage mode is a really stupid anime trope. It’s also especially out of place in this genre where so much emphasis is placed on them just being clever and hard working to get stronger with the tools they have. But no all of a sudden Jason has this crazy power up allowing him to take on a high priestess who doesn’t even recognize the type of magic he’s using? At least he wasn’t actually stronger than her. In my opinion it’s much more satisfying to have characters be good based on their own merit and talent rather than some hidden ability that only they have. It was the worst kind of unexplained deus ex machina triggered by a rather slight offense. If he’d gotten mad over his friends death that’d be one thing. And the reader would even be on board cuz they like the character and want vengeance. But no. Jason basically went rage mode because someone said something mean to his homophobic alien girlfriend. It’s fuckin stupid.