I was excited to try this book out for myself upon reading some of the rave reviews. I was anticipating the female equivalent of American Psycho with a redemption arc, but was sorely disappointed.
The book is a confusing mess of perspectives and genres. The book dapples in erotica, thriller, and romance but spreads itself too thin to succeed at any of the above. Approximately 75% could be described as erotica. The sexual elements, however, left me drier than the Sahara desert. They are described with little to no passion and feel more like ticking boxes. Foot fetish segment? Check. Humiliation segment? Check. These sections feel like filler and add nothing to the meat of the story.
My biggest gripe is that I found myself bored. The “protagonist” spends a majority of her time faffing about. She talks about being an evil person while not proving this with her actions. The final 25% of the book is the actual conflict with some rushed romance thrown in. Unfortunately, the perspective shifts completely kill any suspense built by the author. If the author spent more time building up the conflict and suspense, then this could be a very solid book.
TLDR: In short this book has a solid concept, but its buried beneath boring erotica filler and repetitive internal monologuing. I’d recommend this book to edgy/horny 18-20 year olds. People looking for a titillating thriller or erotica should look elsewhere.
Review from The Girl in 6E →