I’ve read a lot of fantasy, and recently litRPG titles, and this book blew away all my expectations. It was one of the last on a list of audiobooks I was working through because I figured by the goofy title it might be perverted/juvenile, dumb, or whatever. BOY was I wrong. Well, kinda wrong. The main character is a moron, which turns out great. It can get perverted, but it by no means is the focus and it’s done in a brilliant fashion as you see the world through the eyes of a monster. The only real focus is the idiotic main character’s desire to kill, eat things, and get stronger, and it’s executed brilliantly.

This is easily one of my favorite audiobooks, and I’m listening a second time through, something I never do. I’m even writing this review, the first review I’ve written for audible because I enjoyed the book that much.

Along with being amazingly well written, it’s narrated excellently as well. I just can’t give this book enough praise. If you’re a fan of rpg’s, and want something extremely different and hilariously written from most other titles out right now, definitely give this story a chance, you won’t be disappointed.