The Sound of Silence AUDIO BOOK by Dakota Willink

4 out of 5 Stars

Gianna Valentini thinks she found the perfect man in Ethan Walker. Ethan is loving, kind, a police officer, and seemingly everything she wants. Once the wedding vows are exchanged, Ethan starts to change. Ethan is more of a nightmare than a dream. Once Gianna makes up her mind to leave, she stays to plan carefully and accumulate everything she needs to get away from Ethan. But nothing ever goes as planned.

Derek Mills is a budding entrepreneur. He just happens to be at the same hotel as a wedding reception for Gianna and Ethan. When a chance encounter between the bride needing a moment and this stranger, the sparks fly. Several years later, when Derek assists a stranger in the hallway to his fitness center, he discovers the bride from the chance encounter. She is not the same. She is going by a different name, her hair is shorter and darker, and always looking over her shoulder. Could this beautiful woman be on the run from someone?

Dakota Willink delivers on the suspense, the drama, the heat and the heart. You can’t help but root for Gianna as she fights for her independence. The heart-wrenching scenes are balanced by hope and healing. Ethan got off way too easy. Gianna is brave and resilient. Dakota put in the time to make Gianna real and believable. Amazing story and characters!

Trigger Warning: This book contains scenes of domestic and sexual violence. May not be appropriate for all audiences.