When the first twist is revealed, you won’t know what hit you. When the next twists comes in, you will be floored. When the final twist lands, you might do what I did and drop the bowl you were holding and watch it shatter to the floor as you listen, aghast at what you missed from the beginning.

I wasn’t sure what to make of this book at first, and I am so happy I stuck with it! It does start a little more slowly than other novels I have read in the psychological thriller category, weaving a story of two seemingly unrelated women going through regular, everyday problems and feelings that plague us on the daily. Despite its slow start, you won’t be able to put it down.

The writing is captivating, and the performance is oddly soothing in a stark contrast to the intensity that is present in the back half of the novel.

From an avid reader, I highly recommend The Vacation Rental!