4.3 stars This is the story that takes place between Daciana and Elias behind the scenes of the first X-Clan book, Andorra Sector – although you don’t really need to have read that one to be able to follow the story here. I loved Elias, and to get the chance to see how he courted and won over Daciana was pretty great. She’s a strong Omega, but she’s been emotionally damaged. Her mother was repeatedly abused to her resulting death by the Alphas of her pack, so she is terrified at the prospect of being given to the X-Clan pack to help with there lack of Omega situation. As Elias learns more about her past and who she is, watching them connect and fall for each other is amazing. He’s smitten with her, but wants to give her space to figure things out. The chemistry is high, and when they finally connect it’s intense and very steamy. Overall, just a very enjoyable book. Not a lot of secondary characters here, the story is very simple, and is really better for it, since it’s really a novella side story. Sarah Puckett and Kale Williams, as usual, are phenomenal narrators, expertly bringing the characters and their personalities to life.