This is a post apocolyptic series based one the inhabitants of several communities. One group are the evil ones and prey upon other groups for their needs.

The second group are idealists that don’t see anything bad happening to them and believe hiding and avoidance will keep evil at bay

The final group are realists. Good people that make no pretense that the world has changed for a long time

How will it play out ? Saccate the predators with a share of what they have or confrontation?

Thats the basics of the book and the series.

The narration is good and fits the characters which there are many. He does a good job of doing slightly different voices which is not easy to do.

The characters are not overly complex. They want to all survive
I find the female characters are strong and atypical of many characterizations in the genre.

If you like apocalyptical fiction, with a strong family / Group dynamics as well as strong females I believe you will like the series. Its a survival story and not full of excessive gratuitous violence

I was given this book to review by the author. My thoughts and opinions are honest and reflect my thoughts , opinions based on being a fan of the Genre