I like the idea. Felix is a lowly restaurant manager with a nearly useless superpower. Through a series of unlikely events, he becomes a very powerful super villain with hundreds of slaves, a super villain fortress guarded by mechs, and a machine that turns his enemies into sausage that he feeds his slaves. It’s an origin story from a villain’s POV; however…

The women in the story are caricatures, only worried about clothes, how hot they are, and serving Felix. Every woman is described in terms of her physical appeal. The women compare how hot they are to other women. They obsess about sleeping with or next to Felix. When Felix uses his superpower to fix anything on one woman, she wants a bigger chest. Another complains about Felix making her too smart. Each of them want him, except for the two lesbians. But they are okay — because he approves.

I suspect the author is 15 and lonely. He imagines himself surrounded by dozens of women slaves who idolize him and turned it into a book.