What a delightful romantic comedy! The meet-cute in this story makes it in my top 5 all time favorites list. It was laugh out loud, cringe worthy, second hand embarrassment funny!

I think I’d categorize this as a second chance romance trope story except better because not only do we get the second chance romance, we get to read the first one too. This story is a lovers to not to lovers again.

I loved that Kane always saw Scarlet clearly and knew her almost better than she knew herself and I loved Scarlett’s innocence and naivety at the beginning and seeing her growth throughout the story. I also thought the chemistry between the H&h was amazing. Plenty of Sizzle and snap ,crackle, pop while still keeping the door closed, thank you very much.

Naomi might just be my new favorite literary mother! Crappy moms are a dime a dozen in the world of books so I always love reading books that have good moms. And a good stepmom is just… perfection.

Reading Jennifer Peel is like eating the ultimate comfort food. It always leaves me satisfied and with a smile on my face.

I thought the narration was really good. She did a great job bringing Scarlett’s voice to life and for the most part did a good job with all the other voices as well. Occasionally her tone of voice when Kane was saying Scarlett’s name sounded more exasperated than tender (which I believe is what it was supposed to be) but overall I think she did a really good job.