This book was an absolutely delight!! There was a very special feeling to Sawyer and Juliet’s romance. At first, you’d be

inclined to think the idiosyncrasies that these two have would clash and simply be too much for one relationship to contain. Instead they meshed seamlessly together to help create a beautiful and unique couple. Sawyer is all swoon, hotness and southern charm. He kind of made me think of Batman. Tragedy has entered his life and death has stolen from him and this has left him a changed man. His wounded soul will call to you and his overstimulated savior instinct will make your heart melt. He is a genuinely good guy, that is now a tad tortured and broody. This compels him to try to protect, save and defend from any threats including those he can never really defeat. As for Juliet, I felt an immediate connection with her because I could see so much of myself in her. Her desire to have control, the need to plan every detail, agonizing over every situation and wanting to scope out each way things could go wrong and the massive amounts of lists and papers that she needs to aid in her fight against turmoil and the foe that most people just call everyday life. It was all very personal to me and when you add in her Gatekeeper tendencies, I honestly felt sometimes like I was looking in a mirror. These two were very sweet, funny and steamy. They soothed each other’s souls, eased the voices of their demons and brought light, love and happiness into each others hearts and that is something that is simply priceless and more precious than gold.