What’s right about the book:
1) interesting premise & lead in to a potential series.
2) the narration.
What’s wrong:
1) one doesn’t have to be a prepper to catch the inconsistencies in the set up.
2) what one other reviewer said about the view of women in the book. It’s terrible but even worse is the inconsistency of the terrible. On the one hand, women are useless then on the other they are speaking up and it’s good for the characters & story. Then the men are weak for listening to them or making any choice except extreme violence.
3) the rest of the storyline outside of the initial premise and Nick being the only one who seems to have had character development in the whole book.
Just save yourself the credit. I slogged through and lost all faith in the Abram when he didn’t immediately realize Gary, his best friend was an ass when he said to let Abram’s daughter go. Talk about willful ignorance & blindness to a problem in your yardZ. Anyway… just a lot of slow build to BS caused by Gary and a slapped on ending for now.
This one went in my “never reread pile.”