This book is a real doozy. The plot gripped me from the very beginning and I kept thinking I could predict what was going to happen. But each time I did, I got walloped with a surprise twist. There’s so much good to say about this book. I have to say, I’ve never given much thought to the plight of atheists in our society, but the author spelled it out very clearly with what sounded like a lot of first-hand knowledge. It certainly gave me a lot to think about. This book went in all the directions I didn’t anticipate right up to the ending – which left my jaw on the floor and me staring wide-eyed into space. Now I want to say a few words about the narrator, David Allen Vargo. Ya, I’m a major fan. The book is about 13 hours long but the time flew by listening to his deep, resonant voice that sounds like he truly understands what he is saying. This narrator really cares about what he is reading and it shows. All the different character voices he used for this totally blew my mind. Can’t wait for his next book. I highly recommend it. Mind-blowing.