Angus, Annabel, Catherine, Luke, Grace, Lulu, Roosevelt, Eugene, Joe Greene, and Heather … just to name a few, and who could forget Willie … oh Willie … who captured my heart, my soul! These beautifully real, beautifully human characters will be with me forever … and the tears are flowing again as I remember them, and “The Kingdom of Quail”. The realism of this story is astounding! The writing crystal clear, emotional, pulling at my heartstrings the entire time while giving the unique “feel” of the “old south” from back in the day. The smooth progression of time with events in these characters lives intertwining … spanning decades, drawing cheers and tears over and over from this listener! I’ll hold the details to avoid spoiling the beauty, the wonder, the realism of this fabulously rich story, but know that the dialogue rings beautifully true, and EVERYTHING you hear COULD have happened! It feels and sounds that real! Adding to the realistic feel is the narration. This, THIS performance, is MAGIC! Every character comes breathtakingly ALIVE while listening. The tears flow anew as I remember sitting alone in a quiet room, sobbing, feeling with all my being for these beautifully REAL characters. I knew who was speaking and I knew what they were FEELING every moment of this story! I could SEE them exactly as the author described them! The scene setting was also clearly and convincingly voiced, leaving no doubt that EVERY step of the way, I was listening to the story exactly as the author envisioned, and as much as I cried, I LOVED it. I LOVED everything about this story and performance! Don’t pass this one by! “The Kingdom of Quail” is not to be missed! FIVE fabulous stars cause they don’t let me give a hundred!