This Borrowed World series is highly entertaining—a rambling, epic tale of courage and survival, filled with lots of heart-pounding excitement as well as some genuinely touching moments, and all of it perfectly captured by first-rate narration. What more can one ask for from a humble series of audiobooks? I submit that, indeed, one cannot ask for much more than what this series provides. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the enemy of all mankind, it turns out, is not zombies, alien-invaders, or vampires, but, rather, other humans—the worst that humanity has to offer: vicious opportunists, sadistic mercenaries, and predatory serial killers, all of them roaming loose and thriving in a world too beaten down to keep such forces at bay. In this first chapter of the saga, we are introduced to Jim Powell, a man whom most would label as a prepper, and, in fact, it’s a label that he doesn’t shy away from. (And if any literary work deserves the label Prepper Lit, certainly The Borrowed World does.) This label should not detract from the efficacy of the tale, however; despite its obvious political leanings, whether or not you’re a liberal, conservative, or somewhere else on the spectrum, anyone who loves lots of action and good old fashioned tales of humans overcoming increasingly difficult situations, should find something to like here.