Story-lovers everywhere will enjoy this easy-to-read book of some of the greatest stories ever told! Kids love stories that include heroes and monsters and gods and magic. Modern comic books or Marvel movies have nothing on these stories that have been passed down to us through the centuries.

Why read and study Greek mythology? From these stories, kids can learn many important life lessons, like doing the right thing, noble rivalry, kindness, courage, respect for parents, and respect for law. The lessons can not only help kids become avid readers but also avid learners! And for us parents, we can learn a thing or two, too. I never paid much attention to Greek mythology when I was young, but these short stories have me fascinated as a 52-year-old mom and grandma. I look forward to reading this book to my grandkids and helping them develop a love of reading!

Thank you, Joy Chester, for this interesting and engaging book of the very first superheroes.