Mythian tells the story of Ethan, a man mourning his wife. He’s convinced to join the worlds “retirement community” and play a game for the rest of his life. Why was he convinced? He’s told his wife is in the game. The storytelling is fast, but honestly it makes sense to me for it to be so fast paced. As we get older our sense of time decreases. Remember being in school as a kid? The days seemed interminably long, right? But as we got older the day just seems to zoom by. Sure we were still inpatient as teenagers for the day to be over, but that was so we could get to doing what /we/ wanted to do. I used to sit down as a kid and when i read for hours, it really felt like hours had gone by. These days when i sit and read for hours, it’s liked hardly any time has passed.
The MC of mythian isn’t a gamer in any sense. He’s fumbling to figure out what needs to be done, and it’s believable. I am a very strong proponent of believable storytelling. While i’m willing to suspend my disbelief, I don’t feel I should need to. If you ever wondered what SAO’s Elfheim online arc would be like with the MC being an old man who has no idea what he’s doing? This is the story for you.