Set in the mid-90s, this story follows Megan and her estranged friends as they are tormented by a (metaphorical) ghost from their past, one who Megan doesn’t even remember on account of her accident. As she tries to piece together what happened, a monster (for lack of a better term—very reminiscent of The Thing) hunts them down. There are some inventive ideas here—the monster, when first found, is literally just a head, and its progression over the course of the story is pretty creepy and fresh. Some of the kills are pretty inventive as well, and I think it avoided an easy trap to fall into where simply everyone is eaten or consumed in some way. It is also steeped in 90s nostalgia, which is great for a 90s kid like me. But I had some issues with the narrative structure—it’s told through multiple POVs and in the past (recounted to a podcaster), which is fine and I like, but some of the POVs undercut the mystery and tension. For example, scenes from the monster’s POV (or at least a victim’s POV) are often immediately followed by one from the detective’s POV looking at the crime scene, so strange or creepy things the characters notice are already completely understood by the reader, reducing the mystery. Still, the ending really worked for me, and I love the ambiguity.