If you buy into the prepper belief systems with their implicit and explicit biases, as well as their conspiracy theories and such, you’ll love this book. If you don’t, it’s likely this story will either bore you or anger you. That’s why I’m giving it a neutral 3 star rating. Your reaction to “What’s Left of My World” will most likely depend on your own belief system. As for the story itself, it’s okay, neither particularly compelling nor especially bad. So that gets a so-so 3 star rating. The reader in the audio recording only gets 2 stars though. He’s an older guy, reading in what is often a monotone. He’s a strange choice as a reader since significant parts of the story are from the viewpoint of a young female and none are from that of an elderly male. All this is my best assessment of this book, to give you as clear a sense as I can of what you are getting when you buy it. Preppers will want to read it. For other folks, there are much more compelling post-apocalyptic stories out there.