Ghost House was a pleasant surprise for me. I obtained the book with the intent of listening to the legendary Joel Froomkin for the first time, and I wasn’t disappointed. As soon as the book starts Joel’s shaky, scared voice slaps you in the face, matching perfectly the tone of the book. This narrator is fantastic.
The story centers around a guy named Tommy. Tommy has a problem. His body is used and abused on a regular basis by ghosts. It’s a form of posession – they take over his body to perform some unfinished business. Tommy is just a passenger in his own skin until they are done. It’s a terrifiying concept, and both the author and narrator do a spot-on job conveying this terror.
Tommy is just trying to have a normal life. He’s got baggage, and has an addiction problem, but he’s trying to turn his life around. It’s a bit difficult to accomplish when he disppears for days at a time, however.
What makes this book fascinating is the wide variety of ghosts that take over Tommy. Each had a life, loves, wants, needs, and each has some sort of unfinished business that they want to use Tommy for. Each has its own personality. Each has to get accustomed to Tommy’s body. This can be amusing at times with the female ghosts. But for the most part you are scared for Tommy becauase you have no idea what this new ghost that takes his body over is capable of and what it’s going to do.
I had not read or listened to anything by the author. The fact that this book was a joy to listen to was an absolute bonus.
This audio book was gifted to me by the author in exchange for a unbiased review.