I first encountered KSR while listening to a podcast only to find that he kept showing up in other podcasts that I also liked. Each time at the end he would plug this book so I gave it a shot and am about as pleased as you can be considering the subject matter.

The book is extremely well written, with fairly decent performances by the actors. Granted there were some occasions where some of the accents were a bit strained but the books global setting sort of forces that out of the actors so it’s forgivable.

I think the most interesting elements of it are the way Kim juxtaposed the concepts of legislative incrementalism with what is essentially eco-terrorism and more than anything his writing made it feel like that’s an extremely plausible future. It fees inevitable that the global south will eventually suffer a massive climate catastrophe and that eventually technology will be accessible to enough of those affected by it that they may actually be able to stop the supermassive companies that presently never stop tormenting them. Definitely an interesting combo of both bleak and somewhat hopeful.