As always the narration was phenomenal!

Now, as to the story. Reznick is called upon to protect his favorite hacker and a whistleblower. There is a pervasive sense of the injustice of people in trusted positions of power and authority misusing trained personnel and taxpayer money to illegally enrich themselves, no matter who gets hurt. 2Tim 3 speaks eloquently about this behavior and Rev9: 21 says they will not repent, no matter how they are called to account for their actions. Within the story, even Reznick recalls a Scripture his dad taught him. An airport scene makes this quite clear…in practice.

Martha Meyerstein is such a hardnose re: following the rules it made my stomach hurt, yet she is following orders. Reznick’s assassin training gave him the strength to go outside man’s rules with impunity. Having been a part of that system, Reznick now has the integrity to do what he sees is right! Because of him, Meyerstein is learning that willful blindness isn’t a good thing! Meyerstein’s boss…there’s something not kosher there that I hope to see further developed soon. And there is betrayal of what should have been iron clad loyalties. Plus more discussion regarding Reznick’s reliance on amphetamines not being a good thing. I’d like to see Reznick drinking green tea with gingko biloba and peppermint to aid in his recovery from addiction. All 3 would help detox his body while increasing the clarity and alertness of mind he wants. Triple Leaf Teas have a great formula in teabags or the PreMixed Arizona Rx Elixir/Energy Tonics canned beverages and would be something he could get easily on the go for 99ยข at any drugstore, market or in bulk online. I’m sure his daughter could suggest he use such things and he’d try it for her sake, lol. Carrying a small amount of airtight teabags can easily be done without adding any real weight to his backpack.

Meyerstein and Reznick’s personal relationship is changing. That’s a good thing! Ok, enough said.?