I was really into this story sick as it is. I’ve known people like that, nowhere near that bad but parents who choose drugs over kids, etc. when it got to the chapter where he started allowing her to take over and stop trying to prevent it I seriously thought about stopping reading it. I did skip the explicit details. These kids grew up completely neglected, and all they knew was what they were taught by these filthy lowlifes that were around their home. Val was obviously so sick and just totally destroyed wavy by the time she was four or five years old. I definitely would have liked it a little better if they had waited until she was at least 15 or 16 to do anything. I understand how they fell in love but yuck. In my opinion, Jesse has a super low, IQ, and is very childlike, but a kind man. Wavy was always smarter and stronger than he, although an adult, allowed her to manipulate him. I am not by any means defending pedophilia as I feel, it’s disgusting but it’s reality for so many kids.
Jessie’s upbringing was probably just as bad as rabies with alcohol and violence, no nurturing, and absolute neglect. As for the sex and the explicit use of sexual language by wavy and her brother, that was the reality that was normal for them. they had skanky women watching over them and teaching them, and both of their parents had sex and did vile things with present Like I said, I’m very mixed about the whole book, but I really love the writing, and the storytelling and the narrator.