When Life Gives You Lemons Make Peach Pie was a story about the Peach Family and their summer vacation that comes with unexpected plans, challenges, and so much learning about how to live together as a family after the death of their mother. The three Peach kids, Lucy, Freddy and Herb are all looking forward to summer vacation when their Dad arrives home with an old, dirty food truck that he bought with the money from the sale of their mom’s invention, which sold after she passed away from cancer. He announces to his 3 kids that they will be cleaning up the food truck and traveling for the summer, selling pies and ending the summer by competing in the Food Truck Festival! The Peach kids are not convinced this is a good idea and it erases all of the plans they had for a fun summer vacation. Along their journey they learn alot about making and selling pies and so much more. This adventure shows the obvious challenges the Peach family has faced since the death of their mom. They learn so much about themselves and each other and how to move on and create new ways to bond and process the grief of losing their mom. This book was fun and easy to read. The characters were relatable and lovable. It was satisfying to see them go through their challenges and to find solutions. Their journey was full of adventure. I really liked how the characters were all faced with learning something new together. None of them knew how to bake and sell pies from scratch and as a family they learned this new skill. It was a great way to show the relationships of the characters to one another and also highlights the challenges of grief and growing up that this family is facing. The narrator’s performance only added to my enjoyment of the book! She did a great job. I loved reading the book and I look forward to reading the next books in the series!