It seems like if you are an author of urban fantasy that features a wizard, there must be snarky humor, magical creatures and of course, magic battles. With that said, sometimes things can get a bit run-of-the-mill with all the choices out there. “Dark City” has its issues, but it is definitely a cut above run-of-the-mill.

The plot of “Dark City” is pretty simple. Morgan Rook is a supernatural detective who works for a mysterious organization that uses him like a mob enforcer. His basic job is to put down other supernatural beings who have crossed the line. Morgan’s friend is killed and he is determined to find the one responsible.

Author, Kit Hallows, made Morgan Rook wildly powerful, but Morgan somehow, didn’t get that memo. He takes a few beatings, here and there, but ultimately, he never seems to lose because he is just that powerful. This makes for a lack of drama and suspense sometimes. As the reader/listener, we pretty much know what the outcome of a conflict will be before it gets started. It will be interesting to see how the author deals with this in future novels. That aside, “Dark City” is not a perfect book by any means, but it’s still a pretty good story and worth your time if you like the genre. I will definitely give book 2 a try. Also, the narrator, Shawn Compton did an excellent job. His male character interpretations are on point. His female voices, while not quite as strong, are more than adequate. I would have no objections to listening to Mr. Compton’s voice over multiple novels.

Finally, this free, review copy audiobook was given to me at my request and I have voluntarily left this review.