I actually started this book because of a comment I saw online about it. I happen to like Ms. Winters and thought it sounded interesting.

We are introduced to a couple of detectives who work together as partners for the police department. In this world, there are people who have “gifts”. Having a gift is not necessarily common, but it is recognized in this society – enough for the “gifted” to have special identification cards that they need to keep available to be able to show when asked. These two partners – Chevy and Seneca – each have a gift. Chevy can go into a mind and see memories, which can come in huge handy when the police are trying to find clues to a crime that the victim may have seen unconsciously but was too worried with what was happening to them to be able to bring these memories forward. Seneca, on the other hand, has a unique gift. He can mimic the gift of the last person he touched. So, if he is working with Chevy and if he is touching him, they can go into the mind of a victim together. That becomes especially helpful.

Then, the two detectives are asked to help out a department from another state and that is when things start to go off the rails. They are going to be going into the mind of a serial killer to see if they can find any clues to find the other victims that the police think might still be alive. Without going into spoilers, this mind is not normal and they are both immediately caught up in a web of craziness.

There is also the relationship that is developing between the two detectives while all of this is going on. Ms. Winters has a pretty specific way of writing, and she definitely continues this theme in this book. What I have come to expect from her is snark. Lots and lots of snark. If you are not used to this, it might rub you the wrong way. By now, I am just used to it, and it is easy to just roll with it. Does it become a little much at times? Yes. But…the overarching storyline is definitely interesting, and it is easy to put it aside when necessary and get caught up in the suspense of the storyline.

To top everything off, the narrator is Joel Leslie and he does his usual wonderful narration.