With Cherry Blossom Girls Harmon Cooper kicks off a new series and adds a yet another genre to his already impressive catalog, my favorite of his being his Fantasy Online and Feedback Loop series. So what is the genre for this new series? umm.. shifter, superhero, mutant, gamelit, harem all rolled into one.

It all starts innocently enough for struggling self published writer Gideon when a naked woman shows up at his door. You know, a typical Saturday night, right? Who hasn’t had that happened? From there things go crazy. It’s one heck of a wild ride as Gideon meets not one but two gorgeous super-powered shifters and is asked as well as threatened into helping them overcome the mysterious organization behind the super-powered bombshells. Seriously the book touchs on every genre I listed above, as well as perhaps being semi-autobiographical as Harmon shares a look at the behind the scenes of being a self published author. The book ends with plenty of questions left hanging out there, which of course just makes the wait for book 2 that much harder.

The narration, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say performance, features the entire Soundbooth Theater cast, so of course it was awesome. If you haven’t experienced a Soundbooth theater production then you are missing out. BIG TIME. Seriously with each product they put out they get more and more immersive, which is why I said that perhaps it would be better say performance over narration. Jeff Hays, who is a freaking rock star IMO (the Mel Blanc of audio books) actually takes a backseat in this production, and lets the rest of the cast show off their talent. And show off their talent they do! Each of them could carry the book on their own, but together they are a perfect storm of awesomeness.

I received a copy of this audio title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.