15 Minutes is a new series by Larissa Reinhart and it was a fun, enjoyable book. I switched between the ebook and the audiobook which was even more enjoyable. It took me a couple of chapters to get into the storyline. But I really liked the characters. Maizey Albright is an actress who got into trouble in Hollywood and was ordered to live with her dad and find a job. Her mother is her manager. Maizie has played a teen detective and now wants to train to become a detective. She shows up for an interview at Nash Security Solutions and ends up getting involved in a case. I liked Rhonda, Tiffany, and Lemar. Maizie’s character improves although she constantly refers to her screen characters. The end is intriguing but not too surprising, although I only guessed part of it. This book was fun, light, and enjoyable. I received the audiobook from the author for an honest review.
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