4.5 out of 5 stars

Without giving too much away – Cold Kill is a story exactly as Warren describes: “Thomas Caine is being hunted.” Honestly, much more information than that will give the entire story away.

I found myself really getting into the story and Warren wastes NO time getting into the action. I felt like I was just thrust directly into the driver’s seat going 100 MPH (and I loved every moment of it). Caine is as much of a bad-youknowwhat as you remember – reminding me of the Bourne movies/books that I love so much with a little sprinkle of Bond in there.  He always seems to find himself in these situations that you think “there’s no possible way he’s going to get out of it…” and yet you’re proven wrong time and time again.

The story seems to be a bit of an homage to the great story The Most Dangerous Game – taking someone and hunting them for sport.  The problem is – they don’t know just how good Caine really is. I loved the back and forth between the men and Caine (and the men and each other when they realized this wasn’t just some other hunt).

Warren is able to write about the cold in a way that makes you turn the heat up in the car when you’re driving.  Of course, when I was listening to this, I was driving home from work, in the snow, in April – so it was cold. He was able to run a chill up my spine numerous times from talking about the cold and from the closeness that Caine would come to disaster. A feat that’s not easy.

Cold Kill was narrated by Andrew Tell. A first-time narrator to this series, but no rookie to narrating excellent titles.  Tell injects something to the Thomas Caine stories that weren’t there before.  I liked the series, but with Tell behind the wheel, I have a new found appreciation for the pacing and storytelling ability of Warren. He just breathes life into the story that you don’t get with every narrator.

Overall, Cold Kill is probably my favorite Caine story to date and with the addition of Tell as the narrator – I’m pretty darn happy with this.  I finished it in just about one day and I loved the length of it.  I thought Warren told his story without any extra details needed.

I was voluntarily provided with a free copy of this book. It has not affected my review in any way. If you enjoyed this review, please vote for it! Every vote helps.