received this book in exchange for an honest opinion and review.

This is the third book in the Stratham Dragons series. Book 1, Aris, was great and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Book 2, Ilias, le sigh was totally disappointing. This book is a combination of both. I love Zarin and Willow is an okay heroin. One of the issues that I had with this story is Willow. She, I understand that she is confused, is just so wishy-washy. She doesn’t know what she wants and she feels as though everybody is pressuring her into choosing Zarin when everybody is giving her an out. I just feel as though Willow should have been more definite with her choices versus assuming that the choice she made is for everyone aside for her.

There were just multiple things thrown into this book even though this book was super short there were so many things happening. There was a witch, water nymphs, abusive husband, a pregnant dragon, a crazy drug addict who does not realize that she needs to calm down ?, and a son who just mysteriously comes out of nowhere. With everything that was happening within this book there was really not that much time for romance and for Willow and Zarin to get to know one another.

What’s so much new things being thrown in the series I have so many questions that need to be answered. What is the witch doing in Stratham? What is the son’s purpose? Was there an ever get rid of that crazy side of him? What happened to the other pure dragons that were hunting the half-breeds? I know there’s a war coming, does that mean that all these new characters will be fighting in the war? Where is the abusive ex-husband?

Even though this book technically did not end in a cliffhanger there are so many questions that are left unanswered that it’s so frustrating. I just really hope that Sarah J. Stone does not forget about all of the new questions that she threw into this series and addresses them in the next couple of books.