Theres plenty wrong here. Main character gave up his eternal afterlife for a finite time with his wife, maybe. What about this woman is worth risking that? I know absolutely nothing about her or why I should care. MC is needlessly cruel to his allies, a hypocrite and behaves like a sociopath who’s trying to learn compassion. “It’s only bad when other people are mind controlled in agony, its fine when I do it.”

Several Characters behave unrealistically in the MC favor, or to degrade themselves. Any opposition comes off as dim witted or weak, or both. MC is so stupidly overpowered, none of it is worth the proportional effort.

There’s so much missing plot behind the wife, this book could have been so much better with 5 minutes of character development. Theres lots of little things that made this book frustrating to listen to. This book was so disappointing.

The Book, Queen in the Mud while not perfect, did a lot of things right. Great Animal Lit RPG