Before I start my praise for this book let me first say GREAT job to the narrators!!! All 3 did a superb job. Now for my review…… I started this book as if it was fated to be this way…. on the 25th of November (The first day of 16 Days of activism against woman and child abuse) Dakota Willink could not have done a better job!! Emotional, Gut wrenching, Suspenseful are some words to describe this masterpiece, but not only that…. strength, empowerment, healing, these are also words that come to mind when I think of this book. I myself have never been abused or hurt in any way but there’s always this lingering fear that it could happen. This book (even if it’s fiction) gave me hope that even if it happened, I would be able to have the strength to come out the otherside. Now more about the writing…. I absolutely loved the fact that it was written from different POV’s ESPECIALLY!!! the fact that we got to see inside the twisted mind of Ethan, that was really something different that I haven’t seen before and it gave the story that extra layer of interest and intrigue. All 3 characters are well developed and the fact that the story took part over a couple of years made it more believable. I can go on and on about this book…. but I won’t…. JUST GET IT NOW!!!