How satisfying. You have redeemed us from the second book. I understand why you the 2nd book was written, but I just didn’t like it that much. Mainly bc Zac is soooo hypocritical. We will get back to him later.


This book does introduce characters old and new, but they are very interesting. I enjoyed them. I also like how Ryun is getting to know who he is supposed to be. Ryun knows his wrongs and his rights, yet he has found a way to live his true self. We are even seeing a budding romance. I like it a lot bc it does not hinder the his growth.

Zac still bothers me. I know the author is trying to make him super cool, but gosh he is so double minded. LOL. Yes Ryun did terrible things, but so did he. I may start liking him again later though bc the ending was pretty good. He does have some awesome abilities

The book strives to explain the differences in powers. It is so good. The growth of the characters makes this book even better. I understand why people get mad about the skills that are constantly being read. There was a time when the skills being read were more than 10 mins I think. That was a little extreme. hahaha (I still kind of liked it for some reason)

The narrator does an incredible job reading this story we love. Thank you Phil Thron for your hard work. and thank you I-Kal for sharing this story with us.