1) Shadow Burns. 4.5 This series is told from the perspective of Cesar Hawke, but this installment which starts out at a mass murder at a retirement home, is actually Isobel’s story. There are surprises, demons, and other dimensions. Some of the surprises are expected, some not so much. Even Suzy, who has been an underdeveloped character, is starting to come into her own. Who is Isobel? Why does she have this odd relationship with Fritz? Fritz reminds me a lot of another character, Thomas Lynley. Lynley is also too cool (not in a bad way), tall, blond, good looking, and rich. I am definitely enjoying this series.

2) Deadly Wrong. 4.5 OMG. This is Fritz and Isobel/Hope’s backstory; and what a backstory it is. Death, undead, lies, betrayals, and a trip to Hell. There is no Cesar (except in reference). Also, this is very short, so I’m glad I bought it as part of a compilation.

3) Arsenic and Ashes. 4.0 While Fritz is off at a conference and Isobel is off dealing with her new life/unlife, Cesar is left in charge of the office. There’s a bank robbery downtown and some dead witches wash up on the beach. Then Cesar has to deal with family matters as he comes from a long line of powerful witches and it has come home to roost. Another winner in a fun series.

4) Once Darkness Falls. 4.0. Lucretia’s back and she has her knickers in a twist as usual. She has sent Cesar on a special assignment, and everyone knows that she is just setting him up to take a fall. To top it all off, Fritz wants him to be the best man at his wedding to Isobel. There are revelations about Fritz, lots of intrigue and mayhem, not to mention traitors and demons. There are mispronunciations that were corrected about half way through. Left me wanting more.