I like the series, but the entire book is a training arc. I think the author made a mistake by introducing enemies that were too powerful. It forces Arthur’s previous struggles and gains as well as the entire academy thing to be meaningless.

Like really- the entire purpose and plot of the academy has been thrown out the window as though TurtleMe decided he didn’t like the idea anymore. Lucas White? That was a potential gold mine in terms of a satisfying read. Instead? He became a demonic puppet and died without ever learning that Arthur IS Note.

The now forced gains in power and strength for Arthur… dagnabbit- TurtleMe has gone and basically turned him into a DBZ Saiyan. He has turned into a walking demigod. It just makes every other character unimportant unless he plans for his allies to gain some kind of convenient power boost that they have no right to.

Now about Sylvie. We have never seen her fight. We know she has a powerful lineage and is a dragon, but nothing beyond that. Next book we will receive a ‘shock’ when it is revealed how powerful she is- just enough to keep pace with the enemy.

So why am I upset about all this? Because I like(d) the series and it feels like TurtleMe has or is about to go the way of many inexperienced authors and overpower their characters and bungle the whole thing up. I’ve had enough of that already and I hope I won’t see it here as well. Excessively powerful forces isn’t what makes a story fun. What we are likely about to see is the silly retold war between angels and demons.