HJ Perry is a new author for me. I grabbed this duo after enjoying Piers Ryman in The District Line series.

Perry’s writing here is a series of vignettes and that sometimes left me feeling like jumps were too long or some foundational events were missing. Though, as I got more into the story, I found it an interesting approach and ultimately enjoyed getting to know Jason and Scott.

Due to his profession Jason is in the closet and it eventually wears on Scott. While I definitely felt conflicted for both of these guys and the utterly horrible position they were in – the overall story didn’t drag out the angst.

There’s a lovely HFN and a tease for book 2, My Goal, which I immediately started.


Piers Ryman does a good job here. Almost all the characters are male and giving them all various accents, inflections, and personalities helped keep them straight for me.